LCN news

LCN Europe hosts first House Meeting

Written by Mais Irqsusi, from LCN Europe. On Thursday 4 June at 8:00pm we concluded the launch of our first online house meeting as Leading Change Network LCN Europe team. I was the organizer and the fantastic Host Marina Pavlic managed to recruit 16 activists and organizers. We were representing 15 countries on the call,

By |2021-09-27T19:44:32+00:00June 5, 2020|

Webinar: Thinking Beyond COVID-19: Shaping the emerging world

COVID-19 has been a catalyst for deeper reflection, learning and fast shifts in how we organize our communities to respond to the immediate needs of the moment. As we continue responding to this emerging world, it’s important that we also take a step back to reflect on what this experience has taught us. How can

By |2021-10-19T23:20:35+00:00May 25, 2020|

How to: strengthen the heart during uncertain times

Leading change, especially in extreme uncertainty such as that of COVID-19, requires us to draw on the resources of not only our heads and hands, but also our hearts. As we grapple with responding to the needs of our communities and constituencies, it is also important for us to create space for ourselves to acknowledge

By |2021-10-19T23:23:09+00:00May 8, 2020|

We’re launching LCN Volunteer Teams!

Leadership is needed more than ever in these times of great uncertainty. The kind of leadership that inspires courage and hope, and which enables people and communities to build the power needed to win the change they want to see. The Leading Change Network is a global organizing organization rising to this challenge by developing

By |2021-09-27T20:07:58+00:00April 24, 2020|

Webinar: Creative tactics in times of distance

As we grapple with physical distancing, what tactics will support us to build community, act collectively and organize our communities for change? We’re in uncharted territory. Those of us building people power must think creatively about how we organize our people digitally and at distance. We invite you to join us for our next webinar,

By |2021-10-19T23:27:55+00:00April 24, 2020|

Developing feminist movement leadership in Ukraine

This story was written and originally published by the Centre for Women’s Perspectives, Ukraine. On 22–23 October 2019, the Centre for“Women’s Perspectives” organized the training Storytelling in communication and advocacy feminist campaigns in Ukraine. The event was possible thanks to the support of the Open Society Foundation and Sigrid Rausing Trust and took place right

By |2021-09-27T20:10:03+00:00April 15, 2020|

Webinar: Sustaining Social Movements While Maintaining Physical Distance

As we face physical distancing, how do we effectively organize online to enable our communities to shape the emerging world? We invite you to join us next week for our next webinar on organizing our communities online. We’ll be joined by LCN member Natasa Danilovic from Serbia on the Move, who will share an example

By |2021-10-19T23:28:42+00:00April 14, 2020|

COVID-19 webinar series: Leading in times of uncertainty

As COVID-19 confines nearly 2 billion of us to our homes and reveals the social fault lines in our communities, we find ourselves grappling with questions about how to organize and lead in the face of this particular uncertainty. The Leading Change community shares the common definition of leadership as “accepting responsibility for enabling others

By |2021-10-19T23:31:25+00:00March 28, 2020|
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