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Siamo entusiasti di poter condividere una grande novità!

L’Adriano Olivetti Leadership Institute (OLI), con sede a Ivrea, in Italia, ha appena pubblicato “Raccontare il cambiamento. Storie, leadership, comunità”, curato e tradotto da Stefano Zordan, co-founder di OLI, ed Elena Stella.

Per celebrare l’occasione, abbiamo organizzato una presentazione online mercoledì 6 marzo, alla quale interverrà anche Marshall Ganz!

Il volume raccoglie gli scritti di Marshall Ganz in materia di organizing e narrazione pubblica, citando esempi come il boicottaggio degli autobus di Montgomery nel 1955-1956, il movimento dei braccianti agricoli della California guidato da Cesar Chavez e la campagna presidenziale di Barack Obama del 2008, che rappresentano un’utile traccia per comprendere il legame tra leadership e narrazione.

Informazioni generali:

  • Data: Mercoledì 6 marzo
  • Ora: 12:00 – 13:30 (ET) / 18:00 – 19:30 (CET) / 22:30 – 00:00 (IST) (per verificare il tuo fuso orario clicca qui)
  • Dove: Online (Zoom)
  • Costo: Gratuito e aperto a tutti!

Unitevi a noi il 6 marzo per riflettere sulle pratiche di organizing e narrazione pubblica, comprenderne appieno il potenziale e la rilevanza per il contesto italiano e festeggiare la crescita del community organizing in tutto il mondo!

A Marshall Ganz si uniranno diversi relatori che operano in prima linea nello sviluppo della leadership civica e del cambiamento in Italia: Stefano Zordan dell’Adriano Olivetti Leadership Institute e Pietro Mensi di FutureVox.

L’evento si terrà sulla piattaforma Zoom, consentendo così di connettersi da qualsiasi luogo, e sarà disponibile l’interpretazione simultanea inglese<>italiano. Assicuratevi il vostro posto registrandovi qui e preparatevi a un evento coinvolgente e globale.

Ci auguriamo di vedervi presto!


La narrazione pubblica è l’arte di tradurre i valori in azione. Si tratta di raccontare storie coinvolgenti che entrino in connessione con le emozioni delle persone, con il loro senso del sé e con la visione che hanno del mondo. Una narrazione efficace può motivare le persone ad agire, a sostenere una causa o a unirsi a un movimento.

 Marshall Ganz è uno stimato professore dell’Università di Harvard e un esperto di organizing e leadership comunitaria. Il suo lavoro è stato determinante nel plasmare le strategie e le tattiche dei movimenti sociali in tutto il mondo. Nei suoi lavori, Ganz sottolinea il ruolo della narrazione nella costruzione delle comunità, nello sviluppo dei leader e nella mobilitazione degli individui per promuovere il cambiamento.

Il libro esplora esempi emblematici, come il boicottaggio degli autobus di Montgomery, il movimento dei braccianti agricoli guidato da Cesar Chavez e la campagna presidenziale di Barack Obama, per illustrare come una narrazione efficace e il community organizing possano generare cambiamenti sociali significativi.

Comprendere il potere della narrazione pubblica può offrire spunti preziosi a organizzatori, attivisti e a chiunque sia interessato a generare cambiamento in Italia. Il libro prende in esame i movimenti globali ed evidenzia come tali strategie di narrazione possano essere adattate alle esigenze e alle cause locali italiane.

 L’Adriano Olivetti Leadership Institute (OLI) promuove una visione della leadership che pone le persone al centro del cambiamento sociale. Il suo lavoro si concentra sulla formazione di figure di leadership, su iniziative che ispirano la comunità e sulla promozione di nuove idee per una società più giusta ed equa.

Sì! Si tratta di un evento online su piattaforma Zoom, per cui è possibile partecipare da qualsiasi parte del mondo, purché si disponga di una connessione a Internet.

L’evento si svolgerà il 6 marzo 2024 alle 12:00 PM (ET) / 18:00 (CET). Assicuratevi di verificare il fuso orario per la vostra località specifica. È possibile farlo cliccando [QUI]

 No, l’evento è gratuito ed è rivolto a chiunque sia interessato all’argomento.

È possibile registrarsi all’evento al seguente link.

Speakers & presenters

Marshall Ganz
Marshall Ganz

As Rita E. Hauser Senior Lecturer in Leadership, Organizing, and Civil Society at the Kennedy School of Government(click to read more).

Stefano Zordan
Stefano Zordan

Stefano is a graduate in Political Science from Harvard University. Coming… (click to read more).

Elena Stella
Elena Stella

Elena is a translator hailing from Ivrea, Italy, specializing in converting the intricacies of English… (click to read more).

Pietro Mensi
Pietro Mensi

With 12 years of dedicated experience, Pietro Mensi has been a catalyst for positive change, aiding NGOs, political… (click to read more).



Sachiko Osawa
Sachiko OsawaCommunity of Practice Coordinator, LCN Academy

For more information about this event please contact Sachiko Osawa

Upcoming Events

If not now, when? The world feels like it’s unraveling, and more than ever, we need to tell stories that inspire hope and action. But how do we tell stories that resonate with people on an experiential level and motivate them to take action? The Story of Now is often seen as the most intuitive part of Public Narrative, but it can be tricky to bring alive moments of challenge that feel urgent and resonate for the collective "us." And when the challenge is overwhelming and hope seems scarce, it can be even harder to offer a meaningful and strategic call to action. That's where our Skill Practice Session on Story of Now comes in. This 90-minute skill practice session will help you strengthen your understanding of the craft, learn to identify the resources in the room, develop a compelling story of Now, as well as coach one another

If I am only for myself, what am I? Imagine weaving a narrative that brings people together, articulates their shared values, and inspires hope. It’s all possible with a powerful Story of Us! The Story of Us is the cornerstone of connection in Public Narrative, but it can also be the trickiest. How do we identify and bring alive moments that resonate with the ‘us’? How can we pull from the depth of experiences within a community to articulate the shared values? Our Skill Practice Session on Story of Us is a perfect space to explore these questions and learn how to craft a narrative that builds and inspires a collective ‘us’. As practitioners, we understand it can be challenging to craft this connection in the moment! The most authentic and powerful Stories of Us are cultivated in supportive spaces where we can get on the bike together; where

So you took a Public Narrative workshop and found something powerful in the framework – but what’s next? How can you carry this craft into your life and bring it to your organization or community for even bigger impact?  Become a Public Narrative Coach with us! This August, LCN is offering our third annual training program for Public Narrative participants to become Public Narrative coaches. Public Narrative coaches play a crucial role in passing on the craft to organizations, activists, and leaders in workshops and trainings. Our goal is to cascade Public Narrative throughout values-based organizations to supercharge their change-making. We are aiming for a diverse global cohort who will use this craft to create impact in their organizations and communities. Are you in?  Information: workshop Dates: July 31 - September 28, 2024 Date: Applications due May 24, 2024 Place: Online on Zoom Apply Here

We are excited to announce LCN’s annual Public Narrative workshop. Over a weekend in July, you can join our global network of organizers to tell your personal story, articulate your calling, and build authentic relationships with others on a foundation of shared values. If you have experienced the magic of Public Narrative and are looking for ways for more people in your network to learn and implement the craft, this is the right training for you. 2 Day Public Narrative workshop! Together, we will create – or re-create – the shared purpose of your community, and learn how to invite people to act on what matters most with urgency & agency. We will meet the challenge of apathy and disconnectedness with a new sense of purpose, community, and action through one key leadership practice: Public Narrative. More than a workshop, Public Narrative is an experience. You and your

How can a community with limited resources create change? Learn how communities can organize to turn their resources into power for change in our Orientation to Organizing on July 9th 10am US Eastern Time! We will delve into the organizing and public narrative practices developed by Marshall Ganz at the Harvard Kennedy School and his associates with examples from the ground. For this session, we are partnering with Mike Perry and Amrit Parhar from the Institute of Change Leaders (ICL) in Canada. When Mike’s community in a small rural town was devastated by the loss of loved ones in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, seniors, their families, and concerned citizens came together to take action to change the broken system of long-term care. Drawing on organizing practices, the Long-Term Care Coalition helped secure a $4 million commitment from the provincial government to improve conditions in nursing homes in

The SSS workshop, which stands for Story, Strategy, Structure, is a workshop model designed for a specific core team in their journey to lead a campaign to address an urgent challenge their community is facing. Long-standing groups find the workshop to be a critical opportunity to revitalize their narrative and strategy, giving them the space to reflect, renarrate, and strategize. For emerging groups, the workshop is a way to build their campaign roadmap, to reach a collective vision and a real campaign strategy and timeline. In February this year, LCN embarked on a journey to Uganda with our long-term partner organization International Justice Mission to support a remarkable group of women in their endeavor to initiate a campaign. Through the SSS workshop model, the core team of 12 women developed their roadmap for a powerful campaign to pursue justice and accountability with women impacted by Intimate Partner Violence. Now

This May, LCN is offering a FULL Community Organizing Coach Training Program Certificate (COCTPC)! Community Organizing coaches play a crucial role in passing on the craft to organizations, activists, and leaders in workshops and trainings. Our goal is to cascade Community Organizing & Public Narrative throughout values-based organizations to supercharge their change-making. We are aiming for a diverse global cohort who will use this craft to create impact in their organizations and communities. Are you in? The Full COCTP Certificate offers 2 tracks that could be taken separately or consecutively Information: Date: Application due April 30th, 2024 Place: Online on Zoom Apply Here The Full COCTP Certificate offers 2 tracks that could be taken separately or consecutively COCTP 1|CSSRA: Coaching, Strategy, Structure, Relationships & Action (May 15-June 26) COCTP 2|PNCTP : Public Narrative Coach Training program (July 31 - September

Are you looking to grow your storytelling skills? Then our Skill Practice Session on Story of Self is the perfect space for you! Crafting a story of self is not a one-time thing. As we learn more about ourselves, our values and sources of hope, we find that our public narrative needs to evolve and develop in ways that better represent our journey and growth. But it can be challenging to do this alone! The most authentic and powerful Stories of Self are nurtured in supportive spaces where we can get on the bike together; spaces to learn, practice, and get coached on our stories. Join us on May 9th at 12pm ET / 6pm CET to hone your storytelling and coaching skills for Story of Self! This session is exclusive for LCN members who are looking for opportunities to grow their narrative skills, connect with others in the

The most anticipated annual event is back once again! Join us and embark on an extraordinary journey at the Leading Change Network’s Annual Community Meet 2024 (ACM24).  This year, we’re dialing up the excitement with an inspiring lineup of speakers, including the legendary Marshall Ganz, distinguished members of the LCN, and dynamic community voices that bring our shared vision to life. Designed with our global community in mind, the event spans two sessions to ensure everyone, regardless of where they are in the world, can be a part of our unfolding story.  Following last year's gathering which marked an unforgettable saga of unity, strength, and optimism, we are poised to elevate this year's experience to new heights of inspiration and collective action. Whether you've been a cornerstone of the LCN community or have recently embarked on this transformative journey with us, your role is pivotal. We invite you to

The most anticipated annual event is back once again! Join us and embark on an extraordinary journey at the Leading Change Network’s Annual Community Meet 2024 (ACM24).  This year, we’re dialing up the excitement with an inspiring lineup of speakers, including the legendary Marshall Ganz, distinguished members of the LCN, and dynamic community voices that bring our shared vision to life. Designed with our global community in mind, the event spans two sessions to ensure everyone, regardless of where they are in the world, can be a part of our unfolding story.  Following last year's gathering which marked an unforgettable saga of unity, strength, and optimism, we are poised to elevate this year's experience to new heights of inspiration and collective action. Whether you've been a cornerstone of the LCN community or have recently embarked on this transformative journey with us, your role is pivotal. We invite you to