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a lightning bolt behind text that reads Organisez-Vous

Community Organizing in France: A Collection of Resources from Organisez-Vous | Organisation collective en France : Recueil de ressources de l’association Organisez-Vous



A collection of community organizing resources in French from the organization, Organisez-Vous (Organize!), in France.


Here is a collection of community organizing resources from Organisez-Vous (Organize!) in France. Organisez-vous! is an organization dedicated to developing community organizing practices in France. They train unions, charities and community groups who wish to fight for social justice and the common good.

Note: Use a translation website such as Google Translate to read the below resources such as the guide in other languages.

Guide de l’organisation collective |  The Guide to Collective Organization

illustration of a group of people hiking on a mountain holding a map looking which way to go

French Summary

Un tour d’horizon (avec un regard francophone) sur la définition, les outils et les pratiques concrètes du community organizing. Du porte à porte à l’organisation syndicale, nous vous offrons quelques repères sur comment la construction d’un pouvoir collectif peut renforcer nos combats pour la justice sociale et les biens communs.

English Summary

A thorough review, from a French perspective, of what community organizing can be. Definitions, tools, case studies… From canvassing to union organizing, here are a few landmarks to discover how power-building can strengthen our struggles for social justice and the common good.

Qu’est-ce Que L’Organisation? – Marshall Ganz | What is Organizing? – Marshall Ganz

Marshall Ganz is holding a microphone speaking to an audience

French Summary

Marsall Ganz est l’un des grands théoriciens du community organizing, notamment grâce à son travail sur le récit politique de soi et sur la définition du leadership collectif. Dans ce court essai – traduit en français -, il donne sa définition, à la fois riche et succinte, du community organizing. Un classique !

English Summary

Marshall Ganz is one of the most prominent figures in organizing theory, thanks especially to his work around public narrative and collective leadership. In his short essay, What is organizing?, (translated in French), he gives his own definition, both short and substantial, of what community organizing is.

Le Mouvement des Suffragettes Françaises: Récit d’un déni de Victoire  |  The French Suffragette Movement: A Story of a Denial of Victory

English Summary

Did you know that there was a “suffragettes” movement in France ? Not much has been said about it, even in French history books, where the women’s right to vote is said to be a “reward” that was given after World War Two. In this article we talk about this 100-years struggle that led to a major feminist victory, and we delve into why the French republic has chosen to keep it under the radar.

French Summary

Saviez-vous qu’il existait un mouvement des suffragettes en France ? Pourtant ce n’est pas ce qui est écrit dans nos manuels scolaires. Car l’obtention du droit de vote par les femmes, loin d’être une “récompense” d’après-guerre, est une véritable victoire militante. Découvrez dans cet article l’histoire de ce combat et les raisons pour lesquelles la république française a choisi de l’invisibiliser.

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