Global Changemakers Come Together at Annual Community Meet 2024 to Honor the Power of Collective Action and Organizing

The Leading Change Network’s (LCN) Annual Community Meet 2024 concluded recently, leaving a powerful resonance of hope, resilience, and collective action. The two events, filled with inspiring stories, insightful discussions, and powerful calls to action, united changemakers from around the globe, reaffirming the importance of community organizing in today’s complex world.

From the powerful discussion to the diverse and impactful stories shared by speakers like Marshall Ganz, Sreejani Malakar, Neha Saigal, Marvi Latifi, Reem Manaa, Shingai Mushayabasa, Erin Filby, the gathering gave many who attended energy and purpose. Participants also highlighted the events’ ability to foster connection, with breakout sessions, sparking rich conversations and fostering deep reflection.

“I think that we’re people who feel a sense of responsibility and connection to community…and have a strong sense of self and power.”

The heart of the events lay in the sharing of personal stories and reflections on the courageous choices made by individuals working tirelessly for social change throughout the last year. Participants drew strength from each other’s journeys, recognizing the shared challenges and triumphs inherent in their work.

A common thread emerged as participants delved into the concept of agency and taking initiative. One participant reflected, “I think that we’re people who feel a sense of responsibility and connection to community…and have a strong sense of self and power.” This sentiment echoed throughout the events, highlighting the empowering nature of community organizing.

The events emphasized the importance of vulnerability, risk-taking, and building resilience. Another participant shared, “For us, the common thread was about taking risks…or dropping everything to attend to something urgent.” This willingness to embrace uncertainty and step outside comfort zones resonated deeply, showcasing the strength found in collective vulnerability of the Leading Change Network community.

As the events concluded, a powerful question emerged: “Who are we?” The response, a cascade of words flooding the chat, painted a vibrant picture of the community: brave, powerful, resilient, unstoppable, one. This collective affirmation served as a potent reminder of the strength found in unity and shared purpose.

The LCN Annual Community Meet serves as a yearly wellspring of inspiration, reminding us that while the challenges we face are complex, our collective strength, rooted in shared values and courageous choices, empowers us to create a more just and equitable world.

See the Recording from the Annual Community Meet 2024

The Annual Community Meet 2024 brought together community organizers from around the world. Attendees were inspired by speakers who shared their experiences and insights. The event fostered connection and collaboration among participants, leaving them motivated to continue their work in their own communities. Watch the recordings of these two events here.

Upcoming Events

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So you took a Public Narrative workshop and found something powerful in the framework – but what’s next? How can you carry this craft into your life and bring it to your organization or community for even bigger impact?  Become a Public Narrative Coach with us! This August, LCN is offering our third annual training program for Public Narrative participants to become Public Narrative coaches. Public Narrative coaches play a crucial role in passing on the craft to organizations, activists, and leaders in workshops and trainings. Our goal is to cascade Public Narrative throughout values-based organizations to supercharge their change-making. We are aiming for a diverse global cohort who will use this craft to create impact in their organizations and communities. Are you in?  Information: workshop Dates: July 31 - September 28, 2024 Date: Applications due May 28, 2024 Place: Online on Zoom Apply Here

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How can a community with limited resources create change? Learn how communities can organize to turn their resources into power for change in our Orientation to Organizing on July 9th 10am US Eastern Time! We will delve into the organizing and public narrative practices developed by Marshall Ganz at the Harvard Kennedy School and his associates with examples from the ground. For this session, we are partnering with Mike Perry and Amrit Parhar from the Institute of Change Leaders (ICL) in Canada. When Mike’s community in a small rural town was devastated by the loss of loved ones in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, seniors, their families, and concerned citizens came together to take action to change the broken system of long-term care. Drawing on organizing practices, the Long-Term Care Coalition helped secure a $4 million commitment from the provincial government to improve conditions in nursing homes in