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It is sometimes difficult to imagine how local action on complex problems, such as the climate crisis, can have a substantial impact on solving the problem.

Our learning session with DeltagerDenmark, hosted in collaboration with the LCN Climate Justice Group, dives specifically into that challenge, learning from the broad reaching Green Neighborhood Groups that has spread to every municipality across Denmark in recent years. We will learn from DeltagerDenmark’s experience of building a national network of neighborhood groups, and explore questions around how to reach new constituencies and build a broader base for the long term in the climate justice movement. 

This will also be an opportunity for climate justice organizers and organizations to connect and learn from each other’s experiences. The session won’t be a one-way conversation! We will be diving deeper into the challenges, successes, and lessons that each one of you have experienced in the breakout sessions.

  • What:  Green Neighborhoods – Growing Local Action Nationally in Denmark
  • When: Thursday, 17th Aug 2023. 9.00-10.30am ET / 3.00-4.30pm CET
  • How: Register using the form below
  • Deadline: Deadline to apply is 16th Aug, 2023.

About DeltagerDenmark / ParticipationDenmark

Works with leadership development, capacity building and campaigns usually in partnership with civil society organizations, labor unions and various other public or private actors to achieve social change. Through a grant from the KR Foundation they work specifically with organizing and campaigns around climate change.  Through a recent merger with DBT they will broaden their scope to work internationally as well.

To register, please fill out the form below