a group of people posing for a photo for the Let me keep my childhood campaign against child marriage in Lebanon

Community Organizing Against Child Marriage: Let Me Keep My Childhood “La Tkabrouna” – دراسة حالة: حملة لا كبرونا بعدنا صغار (English and Arabic)

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Led by Syrian refugees in Lebanon, the La Tkabruna (Let Me Keep My Childhood) campaign succeeded in canceling 60 engagements and postponing 55 marriages of girls under the age of 18!

English version – Community Organizing Against Child Marriage: Let Me Keep My Childhood “La Tkabrouna”

This study documents the journey of the “Let Us Keep Our Childhood” campaign, also known as “La Takbrouna Badna Zghar,” which aimed to prevent child marriages and engagements of Syrian girls under the age of 18 in the Middle Bekaa region of Lebanon. Despite facing challenging economic conditions and societal obstacles, the campaign successfully prevented 60 child marriages and postponed 55 engagements during its initial stages. The study outlines the campaign’s process of choosing its goal, forming the team, defining its strategy and tactics, leading to its success, and organizing the celebration.

The study’s second edition includes an annex covering the campaign’s phases from the end of 2019 until 2022. During this period, the campaign succeeded in canceling 109 engagements and postponing 90 engagements until 18 years of age. The annex documents the experiences and lessons learned from the campaign’s journey and its ability to expand and endure.

Cover page of the case study Let me keep my childhood It features three waves of lines in green, yellow and red

Foundation team structure

Arabic version – دراسة حالة: حملة لا كبرونا بعدنا صغار

رافقت مؤسسة أهل حملة “لا تكبرونا بعدنا صغار” في البقاع الأوسط في لبنان بالتعاون مع مؤسسة النساء الان وباتباع نهج التنظيم المجتمعي منذ  سنة  2019 ونشرت دراسة الحالة في 2022 لتوثيق التجربة حيث واجهت حملة “لا تكبرونا” الظروف الاقتصادية الصعبة والتحديات المجتمعية وانطلقت في هدفها الذي يتجاوز نشر التوعية إلى تحقيق تغيير ملموس

توثق دراسة الحالة هذه تجربة حملة “لا تكبرونا بعدنا صغار” التي نجحت بإيقاف 60 زواجًا وتأجيل 55 خطبة لطفلة سورية دون عمر 18 عام منطقة البقاع الأوسط في لبنان. تسرد الدراسة تسلسل الحملة في اختيارها لهدفها وتشكيلها للفريق وتحديدها استراتيجيتها وتكتيكاتها وصولًا لنجاحها وتنظيم الاحتفال


Cover page of the case study Let me keep my childhood It features three waves of lines in green, yellow and red