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リーダーシップ・オーガナイジング・アクション – Leadership, Organizing and Action (Japanese)

コミュニティ・オーガナイジングとパブリック・ナラティブ(ストーリー・オブ・セルフ、アス、ナウ)のワークショップの参加者ガイド(特定非営利活動法人コミュニティ・オーガナイジング・ジャパン発行)- A workshop participant guide from Community Organizing Japan to learn about the organizing framework and public narrative (story of self, us and now) as a leadership practice.

Liderazgo, Organización, y Acción: Guía del Participante — Leadership, Organization, and Action: Participant Guides (Spanish)

Guías sobre organización, liderazgo y narrativa en Español, basada en el trabajo de Marshall Ganz. Guides about organizing, leadership, narrative in Spanish based on the works of Marshall Ganz.

Obama Biden Campaign 2008 – 2012 – A collection of Organizing Resources including Guides, Presentations, Worksheets

A collection of organizing resources used in the Obama Biden campaign in the United States election developed by Organizing for America OFA [Project of Ohio Democratic Party].

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