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How Haiyya Builds Engaged Teams for Hight-Impact Campaigns (Mini Case Study)

Haiyya is a remarkable grassroots organization in India. The group conducts their important work based on four central pillars: campaigns; capacity building; consulting; and community networking. Haiyya’s campaigns have focused on everything from climate change to de-stigmatizing healthcare in India. For this case study, we interviewed Sreejani Malakar, Senior Manager of Leadership Development & Curriculum Design at Haiyya, to learn more about the important role that teams and structure play in her organization’s important work.

Formerly Incarcerated Convicted People and Families Movement (FICPFM) Fellowship Training Resources about Organizing and Public Narrative

Here are a multitude of training resources about organizing, leadership and public narrative. They have been developed for the Formerly Incarcerated Convicted People and Families Movement (FICPFM) Fellowship 2021.

أدوات تفاعلية ومواد مرئية حول التنظيم المجتمعي من إعداد أهل – Visual and Explanatory Tools about Community Organising by Ahel (Arabic)

مجموعة من الفيديوهات والمرئيات باللغة العربية من إعداد أهل للتعريف بالتنظيم المجتمعي. A collection of videos and visual guides about community organizing in Arabic by Ahel.

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