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فيديوهات تمكين قصتي أنا وقصة نحن وقصة الآن – Videos for coaching Story of Self, Us, and Now (Arabic)

تقدم لنا رهف من مؤسسة أهل ثلاثة فيديوهات حول كيفية تمكين قصتي أنا وقصة نحن وقصة الآن. Rahaf from Ahel presents three videos on how to coach story of self, us and now.

Robert Kennedy speech at Indianapolis, Indiana, April 4, 1968 [announces the assassination of Martin Luther King – Example of Story of Us] (Video)

The video of Senator Robert Kennedy delivering the news of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination to an African-American rally in 1968 offers a look at how the story of self, us, and now can interact to strengthen agency at a very challenging moment.

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