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أدوات تفاعلية ومواد مرئية حول التنظيم المجتمعي من إعداد أهل – Visual and Explanatory Tools about Community Organising by Ahel (Arabic)

مجموعة من الفيديوهات والمرئيات باللغة العربية من إعداد أهل للتعريف بالتنظيم المجتمعي. A collection of videos and visual guides about community organizing in Arabic by Ahel.

Robert Kennedy speech at Indianapolis, Indiana, April 4, 1968 [announces the assassination of Martin Luther King – Example of Story of Us] (Video)

The video of Senator Robert Kennedy delivering the news of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination to an African-American rally in 1968 offers a look at how the story of self, us, and now can interact to strengthen agency at a very challenging moment.

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